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Introducing our latest Unicorn Yarn colorway for Spring 2022


Over a new Light Worsted Knitter's Yarn - the Unicorn colorway Spring Fling
is now available, just in time to help usher in the warmer Spring weather!

First Batch added 3/8/2022

First Limited Small Batch added 2/26/2022

The Unicorns are officially over New England Winter and focusing to manifest warmer, gentler times through their new Unicorn Yarn colorways.
First up for release is Black Sand Beach, done over our all-natural sportweight alpaca yarn.
With only 20 known black sand beaches on the planet, they are a rare sight of beauty and contrast.
The black sand is formed by quickly cooled molten lava spewed by neighboring volcanoes.
The particles wash up over time with the ebb and flow of the sea to create these amazingly unique beaches.
With the temperatures currently swinging 25° between day and night here in New England, the Unicorns warmed up while creating this new hand-dyed colorway.
This new Black Sand Beach colorway,
hand-dyed on our Alpaca Sportweight Yarn,
is available now as part of our Limited Small Batch offerings!